Matthew Lutton

Edinburgh’s CATS credits
Half noms; majority of wins have Edinburgh credits
This year’s delayed Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland have been announced, with Edinburgh associations for 20 of the 41 nominations and winners in seven of the ten categories.

★★★★☆ Questioning intelligence:
Dealing with troubling questions about human interaction, the Lyceum’s adaptation of Solaris is – like all the best science fiction – not really about alien planets but about our own world.

Solaris for Lyceum
Greig to adapt classic SF novel for stage:
The Lyceum is to stage an adaptation of Stanislav Lem’s Solaris by David Greig as part of its 2019/20 season in a co-production with the Malthouse Theatre in Melbourne, Australia.

Picnic at Hanging Rock
★★★☆☆ Uneasy:
Picnic at Hanging Rock, presented at the Lyceum by the Australian companies Malthouse and Black Swan, is a well-crafted production that is never quite as frightening as it wants to be.