Michael McFarlane
HMS Pinafore
★★★★☆ Hits the heights:
There is a strong musicality and big professional polish to EdGAS’s production of H.M.S. Pinafore which is at the King’s Theatre until Saturday.
★★★★☆ Spirited:
Melodic drive and fine performances make EDGAS’s Oklahoma! at the Church Hill until Saturday a real treat.
The Sorcerer
★★★★☆ What larks:
For careful execution and straightforward fun, it is difficult to imagine many recent productions of Gilbert and Sullivan have beaten Cat-Like Tread’s The Sorcerer at Paradise in Augustines.
The Gondoliers
★★★★☆ Sugar-coated satire:
Good satire never dies but is endlessly topical, as Edinburgh Gilbert and Sullivan Society prove in their production of The Gondoliers at the King’s Theatre this week.
The Pirates of Penzance
✭✭✭✭✩ Plenty of pizzazz:
Fun, games and top-notch singing abound in The Pirates of Penzance at the King’s. The Edinburgh Gilbert and Sullivan Society’s production is reassuringly traditional, very strong musically, and extremely funny.