Michael Taylor
The Crucible
★★★☆☆ Clear focus:
Exceptional clarity characterises the Lyceum’s production of The Crucible, whose focus on small details reaps rewards but does so at the expense of dramatic impact.
Waiting for Godot
★★★★☆ Timeless power:
Poetry, a deep humanity and a profound understanding of the power of the theatre shine through in the Lyceum’s exemplary Waiting For Godot.
Dead Simple
✭✭✩✩✩ Overcomplicated:
While there is much in Dead Simple to satisfy fans of the crime genre, on a dramatic level it is far from convincing.
Kill Johnny Glendenning
✭✭✭✩✩ Blood with no guts
Vigorous and energetic, the Lyceum’s world premiere of Kill Johnny Glendenning provides lashings of blood and humour in a production which is well performed and directed, but in the end is less than the sum of its parts.
The Ladykillers
Deliciously entertaining, this touring adaptation of the 1955 film plays with the stereotypes and conventions of both the comedy and the heist movies of the time.