Muireann Kelly
Stornoway, Quebec
★★★★☆ Wild Gaelic Western
Theatre Gu Leòr’s, Stornoway, Quebec, is a wild Gaelic Western, based loosely around the real figure of Donald Morrison, the Mégantic Outlaw, and set in a failing hotel in Quebec.
★★★☆☆ Revealing reminder
The conflicting demands of professional ambition and personal happiness are brought into stark focus in Sophia by Frances Poet.
The Twenty Five
Full cast of Knives in Hens announced:
The full cast of 25 actresses taking on the role of Young Woman in the concert reading of David Harrower’s Knives in Hens at the Lyceum on Tuesday 11 June 2019 has been revealed.
Three Sisters
✭✭✭✭✩ Emotional realism:
John Byrne’s adaptation of Three Sisters at the King’s is poignant, funny, tragic and hugely satisfying.
Knives in Hens
A Concert Reading from Pearlfisher
At the beginning of this one-off concert reading of Knives in Hens in memory of Pauline Knowles, playwright David Harrower related a telling anecdote about Pauline and the play in which she originated the central character.