Nigel Miles-Thomas

Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act
★★★☆☆ An Epilogue
The scene is set. Dr Watson, having succumbed to a fatal heart attack, has just been buried, and Sherlock Holmes, his long-term partner and friend has returned alone to the Baker Street flat they shared.

Sherlock Holmes The Last Act / Watson: The Final Problem
★★★★☆ Mercurial and ★★★★☆ Reliable
Sherlock Holmes The Last Act and Watson: The Final Problem are both clever, beautifully performed pieces of theatre. They both provide novelty, as well as fidelity to the work of Arthur Conan Doyle.

The Return of Sherlock Holmes
★★★★☆ Genuine
The Return of Sherlock Holmes is an enjoyable and convincing entertainment at Gilded Balloon Teviot and another convincing literary adaptation from Nigel Miles-Thomas and Fringe Management.

Of Mice And Men
★★★★☆ Tragic triumph:
Of Mice and Men, in the Gilded Balloon Teviot Wine Bar, benefits from one fine performance and one exceptional one.

Zsa Zsa And Me
★★★☆☆ Zsa Zsa Voom:
A shaggy dog story that happens to be true is the focus of Nigel Miles-Thomas’s engaging one-man show Zsa Zsa and Me at the Gilded Ballon’s Rose Theatre.

★★☆☆☆ Messy:
Well acted but confusingly adapted, Frankenstein: In Darkness We Rise at the Gilded Ballon Wine Bar is an unsatisfying hour of theatre.

The Elephant Man
★★★☆☆ Effective:
There is a straightforward effectiveness to Fringe Management and Canny Creatures’ version of The Elephant Man at the Gilded Balloon that helps it overcome its comparative lack of inspiration.