Oliver Thomson

The Music Man

The Music Man

★★★★☆ Massive

Huge production numbers and constant energy dominate Southern Light’s The Music Man at the Festival Theatre. Undeniably frothy and not a little silly, it has a scale and magnetism that draw the audience in.

May 22 2024 | By | Reply More
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

★★★★☆ Star car

The car is, of course, the star in Southern Light Opera’s production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the Festival Theatre all week, but it would be nothing without a tight and committed cast around it.

May 17 2023 | By | Reply More
Saturday Night Fever

Saturday Night Fever

★★★☆☆ Fever dream

It’s back to the Seventies at the Playhouse this week, as the venue becomes a disco for a dose of Saturday Night Fever ever night until Saturday.

Nov 2 2022 | By | Reply More