Padraic Hamrogue

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

★★★★☆ Star car

The car is, of course, the star in Southern Light Opera’s production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the Festival Theatre all week, but it would be nothing without a tight and committed cast around it.

May 17 2023 | By | Reply More


★★★★☆ Huge:
Epic in sweep, thoroughly musical and breathtakingly staged, Southern Light Opera’s Titanic The Musical has some real drawbacks but provides marvellous entertainment overall.

Feb 22 2017 | By | 2 Replies More
Sister Act

Sister Act

★★★★☆ Heavenly heights:
Huge and tuneful fun can be had in The Bohemians’ production of Sister Act. A move to the King’s Theatre has not daunted the company – rather, it seems to have inspired them to be bigger, grander and better.

Feb 19 2015 | By | 1 Reply More