Rae Lamond
The Curious Case of Osgood Mackenzie
★★★☆☆ Unusual staging
The Curious Case of Osgood Mackenzie, from Arkle at the Royal Scots Club, is a well researched slice of Scottish history, presented in a way that has genuine novelty.
The Lady Vanishes
★★★☆☆ Magnificent hokum
The Lady Vanishes provides for an entertaining evening up at the Church Hill Theatre, where the Threepenny Theatricals draw on 1930s English sensibilities for this train-set period thriller.
Spring Awakening
★★★★☆ Spring in the step:
Dark and bruising in many parts, TBC Productions has created a properly adult production of alt rock musical Spring Awakening, which is at the Festival Studio to Saturday.
The Sorcerer
★★★★☆ What larks:
For careful execution and straightforward fun, it is difficult to imagine many recent productions of Gilbert and Sullivan have beaten Cat-Like Tread’s The Sorcerer at Paradise in Augustines.
H.M.S. Pinafore
★★★☆☆ Shipshape:
There is a straightforward likeability to Cat Like Tread’s H.M.S. Pinafore that helps it to overcome some less confident moments.
Anthems – Broadway Showstoppers
★★★★☆ Toe-tapping tunes:
Broadway melodies have broad appeal as one of Edinburgh’s best-known amateur groups struts its stuff.