Reality Funds Theatre
Cadaver Synod
★★★☆☆ Gore of yore:
Cadaver Synod is an engaging historical comedy-horror from RFT at the Sweet Grassmarket that crosses boundaries of genre and taste with equal relish.
Midnight conspiracy
RFT stage Scottish Premiere of Wannsee play:
It was the midnight of the twentieth century, the day in 1942 when 15 Nazi bureaucrats met in the Wannsee suburb of Berlin to coordinate the “Final Solution to the Jewish Problem” – murder on an industrial scale.
Vichy Goings-On
★★★☆☆ Creative:
An effective original script carries Vichy Goings-On right the way through, giving it easy entertainment value at the Fringe. There are a few bumps along the way, but on the whole RFT deliver an engaging, likeable story with unique characters.