Rob Younger
★★★★☆ Furious energy:
The EUTC’s production of Jez Butterworth’s celebrated Jerusalem at the Bedlam has so much drive and chutzpah that it is an undoubted success.
Blue Stockings
★★★☆☆ Fierce
There is a real sense of anger and fight to the EUTC’s production of Jessica Swale’s Blue Stockings at the Bedlam to Saturday, about the first female students at Cambridge University.
★★★★☆ Timely:
EUTC’s production of Coriolanus at the Bedlam is a pertinent and particularly well staged production.
★★★☆☆ Intelligent:
Clever and ambitious, EUTC’s Frost/Nixon at the Bedlam is uneven in execution. Peter Morgan’s play – later a successful film – features a series of celebrated TV interviews between David Frost and disgraced US president Richard Nixon
Lest We Forget
★★★☆☆ Reflective:
There is a kernel of emotional and poetic truth to Lest We Forget, the latest offering from writer-director James Beagon and Aulos Productions in the Studio at St Augustines. However, its effect is dissipated in a reworking of familiar themes and a setting that fails to do justice to its ambition.
Angels in America: Millennium Approaches
★★★★☆ Intense:
Emotional honesty and genuine skill make Angels in America: Millennium Approaches at the Bedlam extremely successful.