Samuel Pashby
The Snow Queen
★★★★☆ Epic
The Snow Queen at the Lyceum provides thrills, humour and imaginative theatricality. Morna Young’s adaptation (directed by Cora Bissett, with music by Finn Anderson) could not be staged in 2020 for obvious reasons.
PPP: Celestial Body
★★★★☆ Brooding
The return of A Play, A Pie and A Pint to the Traverse with Morna Pearson’s Celestial Body, which runs to Saturday, is certainly something to celebrate.
Seven Dwarves
✭✭✭✩✩ Inventive retread:
Subverting the Princess myth is common currency in contemporary fairy-story retreads. Subverting the Hero myth is another thing all-together – at least to the extent that Charlotte productions take it at the Vault this week.