Sara-Jane McGeachy
The Taming of the Shrew
★★★☆☆ Uneven updating:
Arkle’s take on The Taming of the Shrew is a largely successful attempt to make relevant one of Shakespeare’s plays that is most troubling to modern audiences.
Bella Freak: Unwritten
★★★☆☆ Moving and insightful:
Disability History Scotland’s first fringe show Bella Freak: Unwritten is a powerful piece that uses the festival as a platform to advance understanding of disability.
The Ladykillers
★★★★☆ Dead funny:
Assured comedy performances and ambitious staging combine to make a success of The Ladykillers for the Grads, at the Assembly Roxy to Saturday.
Titus Andronicus
✭✭✭✩✩ There will be blood:
Bloody, nasty and noisy, the Grads’s production of Titus Andronicus at the Assembly Roxy has all of the ingredients of a memorable shocker but it is let down by some confused moments and a surprising politeness.