Scott Meenan
The Pillowman
★★★☆☆ Ambitious:
Spirited and clever, EUTC’s production of Martin McDonagh’s The Pillowman has all the requisite cartoon violence, but in the end lacks the necessary punch.
The Addams Family
★★★★☆ Wildly macabre:
Halloween may be but a memory, but the Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group proves that there’s still space for a little of the macabre in town.
✭✭✭✭✩ Vibrant and affecting:
Brassy, colourful and oozing vitality, Edinburgh University Footlight’s production of Rent matches its good intentions with a high level of achievement.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
★★★☆☆ Hilarity unfettered
There is plenty of talent on stage in the EUTC’s vibrant, crowd-pleasing production of the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, which is upstairs at the Roxy to Friday evening.
Avenue Q
✭✭✭✭✩ Shooting for the stars
Remember when you were young and they said you were special? That you could do anything you wanted if you just believed? Well, they lied.