Scottish Opera

A Midsummer Night’s Dream
★★★★☆ Starry night
There is nothing rushed about Dominic Hill’s compelling new production of Benjamin Britten’s opera of A Midsummer Night’s Dream for Scottish Opera at the Festival Theatre until Saturday.

EIF Indoors & Out
EIF 2021 programme announced
The Edinburgh International Festival has announced its full programme of events for 2021, which will include theatre at the Traverse and Lyceum, opera at the Festival Theatre and a free opening event at the Botanics.

Lights Shine On for EIF
Festival announces online offering:
The Edinburgh International Festival has announced My Light Shines On, a series of online shows for August, with filmed and audio works by Scotland’

★★★☆☆ Icy:
Anthropocene, from Scottish Opera at the King’s, is a work that is constantly shifting its ground both dramatically and musically; while it is absorbing it never entirely solidifies.

★★★★☆ Dark and inventive:
Mark-Anthony Turnage’s operatic version of Greek, based on Steven Berkoff’s play, brings dark humour to the Festival Theatre as part of the Edinburgh International Festival.