Sean Hay

Doppler: The Story So Far

Doppler: The Story So Far

★★★★☆ Illuminating:

Doppler: The Story So Far, a portrait of Grid Iron’s 2020 production of Doppler that never was, is an edifying, surprising and deeply human film.

Apr 6 2021 | By | Reply More
McGrath’s 80th marked

McGrath’s 80th marked

Magnetic North revive McGrath’s Dream Train

Edinburgh’s Magnetic North theatre company is streaming a new performance of its first ever production, The Dream Train by Tom McGrath, on what would have been the playwright’s eightieth birthday.

Oct 22 2020 | By | Reply More
Grid Iron New Show

Grid Iron New Show

Doppler announced for August dates:

Edinburgh-based site-specific specialist theatre company Grid Iron has announced provisional dates for its new production of Doppler, from as early as Monday 24 August, if lockdown eases as expected.

Jul 31 2020 | By | 1 Reply More
Huxley’s Lab

Huxley’s Lab

★★★★☆ Profoundly relevant

A brave new collaboration has been born at Edinburgh University’s informatics building on Crichton Street. Edinburgh’s Lung Ha’s and Gridiron theatre companies have teamed up to create a piece of work challenging the scientists to think long and hard about what they are doing.

Apr 5 2010 | By | Reply More