Stuart Hepburn

Loose Ends
★★★☆☆ Melancholy anger
1TWO1 Productions and New Celts’ Loose Ends – at theSpace on the Mile for the Fringe’s first week only – is a spare and affecting display of vulnerability.

★★★★☆ Barmy army
Borderline Theatre Company and the Gaiety Ayr have created a bouncy online version of David F Ross’s comedy caper novel about an Ayrshire band that once had an unexpected number one hit.

PPP for BBC Scotland
Six plays from lunchtime theatre to be broadcast:
The BBC is to broadcast six hour-long plays from Glasgow’s hugely successful lunchtime theatre A Play, A Pie and A Pint, over six Sunday evenings from Sunday September 1 2019.

PPP: Chic Murray: A Funny Place For A Window
★★★★☆ Fitting tribute:
As you might expect, there are plenty of laughs in Chic Murray: A Funny Place For A Window. What is less expected is a touching and beautifully acted love story.