Taqi Nazeer)

The Enemy
★★★☆☆ Fussy
The Enemy, Kieran Hurley’s updating of Ibsen for The National Theatre of Scotland at the King’s this week, is an uneven proposition. Much of the production is timely and compelling, and the acting is excellent, but other elements cohere less convincingly.

NTS takes on Orphans
Peter Mullan musical adaptation heads NTS’s live return
The National Theatre of Scotland is to stage a new musical adaptation of Peter Mullan’s 1997 movie Orphans as part of its return to live performance.

An Edinburgh Christmas Carol
★★★☆☆ Comedy overshadows pathos:
An Edinburgh Christmas Carol, the Lyceum’s Christmas re-invention of Dickens, is a full-on comic display that is undoubtedly pleasing despite apparently missing some important points.