Uma Nada-Rajah
Muster Station: Leith (EIF)
★★★★☆ Chilling
Muster Station: Leith, by immersive theatre specialists Grid Iron for the EIF, uses the halls and corridors of Leith Academy to suggest what it might be like when the climate emergency reaches a crisis point, here, in Edinburgh.
Traverse Festival (2)
Shielding , Doomsdays, Matterhorn & The Watercooler:
The Traverse’s online Festival continues with three more audio-only Breakfast Plays, as well as some treats that are more visual.
PPP: Toy Plastic Chicken
★★☆☆☆ Curate’s egg:
First seen as a somewhat explosive work-in-progress at last year’s Hidden Door, Toy Plastic Chicken is the final production in this Spring’s A Play, A Pie and a Pint lunchtime theatre slot at the Traverse.