Through The Mud
★★★★☆ Powerful
Review by Hugh Simpson
Through The Mud by Apphia Campbell at the Lyceum is a story of the struggle for civil rights in the USA in the face of racism. Its portrayal of the African American experience across the generations is both depressing and inspiring, told with craft and tunefulness.
★★★★☆ Mesmerising:
Returning to the fringe for just six performances at the Gilded Balloon Teviot, Apphia Campbell’s Woke is a powerful one woman show that tells the story of two women 42 years apart.
★★★★☆ Powerful:
Following the success of 2014 and 2015’s Black Is the Color of My Voice, Apphia Campbell returns to Gilded Balloon with another powerful one-woman show.
Six Hit CS Funds
Creative Scots funding for Edinburgh theatre:
Snails, simians in space and time travel are among the themes of six theatre projects from Edinburgh-based companies and individuals that have been awarded a funds in Creatives Scotland’s latest round of Open Project grants.