Gang Show pictured – Act 2 & Brownies 2
2014 Act 2 in pictures – and the Brownies second cast
As this year’s Edinburgh Gang Show finishes, over 300 youngsters are looking back at what has been an amazing week – while the adults who work so hard behind the scenes are busy packing up for another year.
Today, photographer Glenda Robertson has supplied pictures of the second cast of Brownies, together with images from all the Act 2 scenes. As with the images for Act 1 (here), click on an image to see it larger in a new screen.
The reason this year’s show was so big was the two huge casts of Brownies. For starters, here’s the second cast.
Here are a few more shots of individuals. As with the Cast One performers, they look like they were having a complete blast!
And so to Act Two!
Act Two opened with Rhythm of the Night, which director Andy Johnston described as: “a little bit Gershwin, a little bit Moulin Rouge, a little bit up-tempo…”.
Here’s another view, giving more perspective of the scale of the piece. Andy reported that in rehearsals the cast were throwing themselves into the number and they didn’t stop doing so!
When he writes his comedy sketches for the Gang Show, Andy Johnston doesn’t pull any punches. Journalists got it in the critical neck in Three Stars, a sketch that hit a few home truths bang on the head – and had the grown-up audience members howling in glee.
One of the beauties of the Gang Show is that it succeeds in bringing a whole range of different performance disciplines to the stage. Here are the ballet dancers in the sequence Into the Fray.
It must also be said that the adults who work backstage are also responsible for the success of the show. In the case of Modern World, it is musical director John Duncan who should take a bow for his superb arrangements, with the title song of the sequence: The Jam’s mod/punk anthem, This is the Modern World getting a particularly splendid and unexpected arrangement.
There’s no sacred cows when it comes to comedy. The older members of the Main Gang had a blast – and had the youngest audience members rolling in the aisles – with their take on Scottish Country Dancing.
There was more comedy in All For One – a tale of the Four Musketeers. Souped up a little by that man Andy Johnston and given some surprising twists. But just check that millinery!
Here it is in close-up!
The number Higher had several outstanding vocal performances, but was memorable for its hugely atmospheric ending. Just look at the way the light spills through those windows. Step forward and take a bow: lighting designer James Gow – and not to forget the complete backstage gang, led by technical director Martin Gray, and Black Light who supplied the lights and effects.
And with a finale that included Caledonia and all the expected numbers – before riding out on the crest of a wave – 2014 provided another Edinburgh Gang Show to treasure.
If you like the pictures, then you might want to look at Glenda Robertson’s web page:
The Act 1 pictures are here:
The review of the show is here:
And the preview is here: