O’Shea leaves #EdFringe

Feb 12 2020 | By More

#EdFringe to recruit new Chair of board

Tim O’Shea is to step down as chair of board of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society this August 2020 having completed two, four-year terms in the role.

The Fringe has started open recruitment for a new Chair, “with an emphasis on encouraging applications from a diverse range of backgrounds”. One of the new Chair’s priorities will be to help the Fringe’s hunt for a new year-round home.

Professor Sir Timothy O’Shea, #EdFringe Chair from 2012 to 2020.

The closing date for completed applications is 1 May 2020. Shortlisting will begin on May 4 and candidates will be invited to an interview to discuss their application in the week beginning Monday May 11.

The committee will recommend its preferred candidate to the board meeting in May 2020 and a formal appointment will take place at the meeting of the board prior to the 2020 AGM in August.

Professor Sir Timothy O’Shea was Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh for 15 years until 2017. He joined the Fringe board as Chair in August 2012.

During O’Shea’s tenure at the Fringe it has consolidated its relationship with the University of Edinburgh which remains the largest landlord for Edinburgh fringe venues – such as the Pleasance, Teviot Row and McEwan Hall. Not to forget Fringe Central in Appleton Tower.

passionate advocate

Shona McCarthy, the Fringe Society’s chief executive, said: “Aside from being a passionate advocate for the Fringe and its founding principle of freedom of expression, Sir Tim O’Shea has steered the Fringe Society through some of its most exciting developments.

“From deepening our roots in the city through our community and schools partnerships, to providing an exceptional platform for artists from across Scotland and the UK to have their work showcased to the world, Tim’s legacy is a professionally run charity that balances both the vital local identity of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe with a global reputation for culture.

“On a personal level, it has been a pleasure for me and the team at the Fringe Society to have Tim’s support, insight and leadership. We know he will be a lifelong friend.

“As we embrace a new future, the Fringe Society is looking to encourage applications from a diverse range of backgrounds to ensure it properly reflects the communities it serves.”

core commitments

The role of Chair is not remunerated, although expenses are covered. The board meets five times a year in Edinburgh.

One of the Fringe’s current core commitments, according to the Fringe Blueprint published in 2018, is to “secure a new home for the Fringe to provide year-round assistance to participants and support a vibrant fringe community”. The Fringe anticipate that the new Chair will play a significant role in the fundraising and development of this project.

Full details of the appointment and a downloadable information pack are available on the EdFringe website here: www.edfringe.com

Applicants should submit a CV and a two-page covering letter to recruitment@edfringe.com, outlining their interest in the role and the suitability of their experience.


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