Scripts wanted
Three live script requests from Edinburgh companies
It’s October, so it must be time for the Traverse Theatre to open its annual script submissions window, as part of its commitment to open up the theatre to new voices and under-represented communities.
Two other Edinburgh companies have also putting out an open call for new scripts today, Tuesday 15 October 2019. Arbery Productions and In Your Face Theatre are both looking for scripts which fill quite specific purposes.
First to The Traverse, which says that as Scotland’s only theatre wholly dedicated to new writing, it strives to “discover, nurture and produce the brightest new voices across Scotland, the UK and Ireland.”
The call out says: “Each year we open our submissions window seeking bold, brilliant and innovative new plays
“We know that exploring big ideas works best on our stages. We’re looking for stories with as much heart as head and for writers that have something new to say about the world today. Whether you’re an established playwright or a first-time writer with a brilliant story, we want to hear from you!”
New Work
Work submitted during the window will be read anonymously by the Traverse’s team of readers, allowing them to focus on the story being told. The company welcomes new work from anyone, but is particularly keen to encourage submissions from voices and communities which are under-represented in theatre – both onstage and off.
Scripts should be for productions of between 50 and 120 minutes in length, be for completed scripts (not first or rough-draughts) and only one script will be read from any one playwright.
The Traverse has said it will also be selecting five of the most promising plays in order to develop them through in-house dramaturgy and round-table readings with professional actors. These development periods will happen throughout the year.
Do you have a short play with simple set & cast of 1 to 4? We're looking for a companion piece for Sunset, a moving and intense 4-star one-woman play, to offer small theatres around Scotland. Costs and profits shared. More info:
— Arbery Theatre (@ArberyTheatre) October 15, 2019
Away from building-based companies, Arbery Productions is looking for a short play with simple set and a cast of between one and four to take on tour.
The company says; “We intend taking our successful one-woman play Sunset to small theatres around Scotland and would like to pair it with another one-act play with a small cast suitable for an intimate setting.
“If you have such a play – preferably one that has been performed and had a good response – contact us for further discussion.”
In Your Face Theatre is also on the look-out for a script. The company originated the immersive version of Trainspotting, has been involved in its successful re-imagination as a fringe production and created an equally memorable immersive production of Martin McDonagh’s bloodbath-thriller, The Lieutenant of Inishmore.
We are looking to take more script submissions for us to potentially look at producing our next piece of theatre. Sitting on an exciting script you think would work with our ‘In Your Face’ style? 1/2
— In Your Face Theatre (@IYF_Theatre) October 15, 2019
In Your Face tweets: “We are looking to take more script submissions for us to potentially look at producing our next piece of theatre. Sitting on an exciting script you think would work with our ‘In Your Face’ style?
“Please email any suggestions over to Artistic Director @GregEsplin at We are looking to get stuck in to something very soon.”
Arbery Productions:
Is looking for scripts of existing work to produce in conjunction with a tour of Sunset.
Deadline: Contact by email ASAP to discuss (address on website above).
In Your Face Theatre: @IYF_Theatre
Is looking for plays suitable to its in your face style, which it can get its gnashers into. Pronto!
Deadline: Contact director @GregEsplin by email ASAP (address in Twitter handle).
Traverse Submissions:
Submissions FAQ:
Is looking for new voices from across Scotland, the UK and Ireland for productions on its main stages.
Deadline: Submissions to The Traverse (email and format in links above) by October 31 2019.