Still Waiting…
Sequel to Waiting in the Wings for Church Hill
Still Waiting in the Wings, a concert to raise funds for the Brain Tumour Research charity, is taking place at the Church Hill Theatre this weekend, with an evening performance on Friday 13 and Saturday matinee on 14 October 2023.
The concert comes nine years after the first Waiting in the Wings, set up by the Hogg family to celebrate the life of their daughter Jenny, who died from a brain tumour at the age of just 33. Jenny had studied Stage Management at QMU and spent many years in the stage crews of numerous Edinburgh amateur theatre companies.
Jenny was a great character of the wings and made many friends on the stage crews of companies such as Forth Children’s Theatre and Tempo. But it is for her generosity of spirit that she is remembered by many: the kind words of encouragement or advice offered, the understanding ear provided.
Jenny’s father, Allan, told Æ: “In 2020, it was planned to produce Avenue Q, and to perform it for her 40th birthday. Sadly, as we know, Covid took over and hence nothing happened. So here we are in 2023 due to encouragement from many of her friends, about to perform the sequel of Waiting in the Wings.
“Whereas the first was a selection of Jenny’s favourite songs from shows she had been involved with, Still Waiting in the Wings, is a compilation of things she loved but also items we think she would be enjoying now.”
fundraising effort
The evening is not just a celebration of Jenny’s life, but a fundraising effort for Brain Tumour Research. The first Waiting in the Wings raised £15,000 and over the subsequent years Jenny’s family and friends have continued to fundraise for the charity, bringing the total so far to £40,000.
The hope is that this latest endeavour will take that well beyond £50,000 – with two sell-out concerts (if possible) and the help of a huge raffle, with bountiful prizes, donations, and the sale of a biography of Jenny’s life.
The Still Waiting in the Wings team is hoping that local companies and groups will be able to support them with raffle prizes. Anyone who can donate a raffle prize should contact Mairi at
The show itself promises something of a wealth of local amateur theatre talent. Members of Blackout Productions, Forth Children’s Theatre, a group from Janice Bruce’s dancers and friends from across Edinburgh and the Lothians will be taking part.
Douglas Anderson, Jenny’s cousin and Head of Music at an Edinburgh school, takes on MD duties. Joining him on the production team are Gabby Pavone-Clark, Lewis C. Baird, Taylor Doherty – with Jenny’s mum, Rene, in charge. Her brother David is also involved and his wife Kim is performing onstage.
Still Waiting in the Wings
Church Hill Theatre, 33 Morningside Road, EH10 4DR.
Fri 13/Sat 14 October 2023.
Fri: 7.30pm; Sat: 2.30pm
Tickets and further details: Book here.
To donate prizes to the raffle email Mairi at
Brain Tumour Research: