Charlotte Productions

Seven Dwarves
✭✭✭✩✩ Inventive retread:
Subverting the Princess myth is common currency in contemporary fairy-story retreads. Subverting the Hero myth is another thing all-together – at least to the extent that Charlotte productions take it at the Vault this week.

National Loaf
✭✭✩✩✩ Amusing romp
Charlotte Productions provide a quirky take on WW2 rationing at the Vault on Merchant Street in a production which could do with tightening up a tad.

The Gentleman’s Stratagem – Review
★★★☆☆ Mannered
Subverting and reinterpreting old work seems to be a speciality of young company Charlotte Productions and Gentleman’s Stratagem, at the Vaults all week, is a fine example of that.

Review – Love and Friendship
✭✭✭✩✩ Delicious trifle
Brimming with overplayed emotions and inappropriate attitudes, Laura Witz’ adaptation of Jane Austen’s early epistolary novel – Love and Freindship – is an utter treat.

Bedlam Festival returns
Edinburgh’s student performers mark their worth this week, with the return of the Bedlam Festival – the annual celebration performance and education in the dramatic arts.

Review – Goblin’s Story
★★★☆☆ Winsome and frabjous:
Clever and articulate, Laura Witz’s creation of a back-story for Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market makes for a quirky and satisfying hour of theatre.

On Edinburgh’s Stages This Week: Sun 18 November 2012
Big opera, a dance festival and a swathe of amateur companies join the Edinburgh Gang Show for a packed week on Edinburgh’s stages.