EdFringe 2020
#Nothing to Review Here
A look back at Edfringe’s Covid years
Four years ago, on Friday 7 August 2020, on what should have been the first day of the Edinburgh Fringe, I was on the Royal Mile with my brother, the photographer Peter Dibdin.
Traverse Breakfast Plays: New Tracks (1)
Traverse 3:
The Traverse are replicating their Fringe Breakfast Plays with streams from their new online-only Traverse 3, and the first two offerings – Contemporary Political Ethics (Or, How to Cheat) by Jamie Cowan and Rabbit Catcher by Rebecca Martin – both have much to recommend them.
Doppler Goes Digital
Grid Iron pull planned live performances:
Edinburgh’s Grid Iron has abandoned plans for live outdoor performances of Doppler, pencilled in for later this August. The show will now be presented in digital format.
EPT go online
Company streams classics for EdFringe 2020:
Edinburgh Peoples’ Theatre is to stream five of its historical Edinburgh Fringe performances during August, featuring scripts written or adapted by current or former EPT members.
★★★★☆ Sharply crystalline:
Consequence is a beautifully limpid and thoughtfully imaginative online offering from Fringe regular Mara Menzies, as part of Fringe of Colour.
Shedinburgh Culture
Traverse & Soho Theatre’s ShedFringe collaboration:
A simple pun has grown into the latest Edinburgh Fringe collaboration, bringing Gary McNair together with producer Francesca Moody on the stages of the Edinburgh Traverse and London’s Soho Theatre.
Grid Iron New Show
Doppler announced for August dates:
Edinburgh-based site-specific specialist theatre company Grid Iron has announced provisional dates for its new production of Doppler, from as early as Monday 24 August, if lockdown eases as expected.
EdFringe Goes Online
Fringe Society’s 2020 digital plans announced:
Edinburgh’s fringe venues might be having a fallow year in 2020, but the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society is keeping the sprit of the Fringe alive with a series of alternative digital plans.
£1.25M “life raft” for EdFringe
£1M loan & £0.25M grant for Fringe Society:
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, the charity which oversees the Edinburgh Fringe, has been awarded £249,000 grants and a £1million interest-free loan to help support it through Covid-19 recovery.