James Ley

★★★★☆ Rip-roaring
Eighties power ballads fill Traverse One for the return of James Ley’s Wilf, an energising and sparkling show which will have you snorting with laughter from the very start.

★★★☆☆ Encouragingly filthy
There is a pleasingly unruly feel to James Ley’s new play WILF, this year’s seasonably unseasonal offering from the Traverse. Full of heart, not to mention dialogue that would have given the Lord Chamberlain palpitations, it overcomes structural difficulties to produce a successful whole.

Ley’s Wilf for Trav Xmas
New play by James Ley makes Traverse Xmas debut
Wilf, a new script from Edinburgh playwright James Ley will be the Christmas offering in Traverse One this year, running for 19 performances in December 2021.

In celebration of the Public House
★★★★☆ Virtually strong:
The Leith-based Village Pub Theatre made a welcome return on Friday evening by virtue of virtual meeting platform, Zoom, for a live performance of seven sparkling new plays, performed script-in-hand.

Virtual Pub Theatre
Tae the Pub (in yer front room) with VPT!
If you are missing the pub, then Village Pub Theatre, the scrip-in-hand playwright-run theatre company, has the answer this Friday 10 April 2020, when it hosts a live, interactive Virtual Pub Theatre on Zoom.

Love Song to Lavender Menace
★★★★☆ Heart-warming and funny:
An important piece of LGBT history is explored in Eighties gay romantic comedy, Love Song to Lavender Menace, which returns to Edinburgh this Fringe.