Paul Wilson

Brief Encounter

Brief Encounter

★★★★☆ Imaginative

Reassuring without being cosy, and fabulously inventive, Edinburgh People’s Theatre’s Brief Encounter at the Church Hill celebrates the possibilities of theatre while having considerable emotional impact.

Mar 28 2024 | By | Reply More
Brassed Off

Brassed Off

★★★★☆ Tragicomic grandeur

If we must have music-driven stage adaptations of films, they should be like Edinburgh People’s Theatre’s impressive production of Brassed Off, where the music is integral to a story that actually means something.

Mar 16 2023 | By | Reply More
(There Are) No Strangers Here

(There Are) No Strangers Here

★★★☆☆ Poetic

(There Are) No Strangers Here, a lively and pointed new piece from local community writing group, One Foot in the Future, is at the Netherbow theatre for three performances only.

Sep 10 2022 | By | Reply More
One foot in the Future

One foot in the Future

U3A inspired show for Netherbow

(There Are) No Strangers Here, a new play by four members of the Leith-based Citadel writers is set to debut this Friday 9 September 2022 for three performances only at the Netherbow Theatre in the Scottish Storytelling Centre

Sep 8 2022 | By | Reply More
The Collie’s Shed

The Collie’s Shed

★★★☆☆ Moving Drama

Shelley Middler’s new play The Collie’s Shed, which she also directs, is based on the miners’ strikes of the 1980s and fits perfectly into the intimate space of Perth Theatre at theSpace on North Bridge.

Aug 24 2022 | By | Reply More