Plutot la Vie

Lung Ha hit 40

Lung Ha hit 40

Cue 12 months of celebration and innovation!

Lung Ha, Edinburgh’s award-winning professional company for actors and theatre makers who are autistic or learning-disabled is marking its 40th anniversary with 12 months of celebrations.

Apr 30 2024 | By | Reply More


Full details of cancellations and changes

MANIPULATE, the international festival of visual theatre, animated film and puppetry, has announced a number of cancellations and venue changes to its programme from 28 January – 5 February 2022, due to the latest situation over Covid-19.

Jan 14 2022 | By | Reply More
Playfulness Online

Playfulness Online

PlayfulFest goes online for second edition:

Edinburgh’s bi-annual PlayfulFest has gone online for 2020, with ten events scheduled to take place from Thursday 4 to Saturday 6 June 2020.

Jun 3 2020 | By | Reply More
Bring On the Clowns

Bring On the Clowns

Clown Cabaret Scratch Night on the up
Edinburgh-based Clown Cabaret Scratch Night, which has had six successful riotous assemblies of clown acts and innovative ideas, has been awarded Creative Scotland Open Project funding.

Jun 1 2017 | By | Reply More
Dementia-friendly Clean Sweep

Dementia-friendly Clean Sweep

First dementia-friendly performance at Festival Theatre:
Edinburgh’s King’s and Festival Theatres have taken the first step towards becoming one of the first dementia-friendly theatres in the UK, with a specially adapted, dementia-friendly performance from Plutot La Vie.

Feb 18 2015 | By | Reply More
Clowning scratch night

Clowning scratch night

Clown Cabaret Scratch Night:
Edinburgh-based clowning theatre companies Plutot la Vie and CloWnStePPing are hosting a scratch night of clowning this Saturday at Assembly Roxy.

Nov 9 2014 | By | 1 Reply More
The funny men get tragic. And funny.

The funny men get tragic. And funny.

Innovative Edinburgh-based theatre company Plutot la Vie go out on tour this week, with the English Language premiere of La Tragedie Comique.

May 19 2014 | By | Reply More
First view – Puss In Boots

First view – Puss In Boots

Picture Special from the Brunton Panto

The Brunton has a new director and writer for its pantomime this year with Tim Licata of local comedy troupe Plutôt la Vie taking over at the helm and Philip Meeks on writing duties. Here are a few pics to whet your appetite.

Nov 30 2012 | By | Reply More