
Soddin’ Flodden
★★★☆☆ Convivial history:
Cheery and cheeky, Ideoms’ Soddin’ Flodden at Spotlites presents a fun and accessible take on Scottish history.

✭✭✭✭✩ Should be seen:
Two excellent performances drive Unseen, Ashley McLean’s two hander at Spotlites which deals with the ‘unseen’ nature of homelessness.

Peter Pan on Dinosaur Island – Junior review
✭✭✭✩✩ Lots of dinosaurs
Junior review by Cora Dibdin:
Peter Pan on Dinosaur Island was a play. It wasn’t the usual story of Peter Pan.

The Ghost of Sadie Kimber
✭✭✭✩✩ Haunting family drama:
A little girl just won’t settle down in this haunting family drama from new Edinburgh company Making Light Productions, at Spotlites until Saturday 22 August.