The Addams Family

The Addams Family
★★★☆☆ It really is a scream
America’s funniest family of wacky weirdos – sorry, Munsters – rise again as Loretto Theatre hosts the Brunton’s Youth programme production of The Addams Family.

The Addams Family
★★★★☆ Finger clicking good
Edinburgh Music Theatre have a beautifully concise production of The Addams Family at the Church Hill Theatre to Saturday. It hits its mark bang on, from the very first finger click of that iconic introduction right up its full blown love-in finale.

The Addams Family – a New Musical
★★★★★ Brilliant
Forth Children’s Theatre’s return to the Fringe, with The Addams Family – a New Musical at Broughton High School, is something to be welcomed. And they are as good as ever – if not better.

Addams Family Cancels
Festival Theatre’s June dates fall to Covid
The producers of The Addams Family have cancelled its dates in the Festival Theatre, where it was booked to run Tue 14 – Sat 18 June 2022, blaming the effects of Covid in its audiences.

The Addams Family
★★★★☆ Slick:
Hugely energetic, reliably tuneful and packed with more fun that could reasonably be expected, The Addams Family is always going to be a great success.

Addams Family Cast
It’s Womack for Morticia:
Samantha Womack, currently playing tragic Ronnie Mitchell in Eastenders, is to play Morticia Adams in the newly extended UK tour of The Addams Family musical.

Addams Family for Festival Theatre
Festival Theatre get UK Premiere of Addams Family:
Bah da, da-dum. [Snap, snap]! The professional UK premiere of the Addams Family musical is to open its tour at the Festival Theatre in April 2017.

The Addams Family
★★★★☆ Wildly macabre:
Halloween may be but a memory, but the Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group proves that there’s still space for a little of the macabre in town.