The Addams Family
★★★★★ Spookily entertaining
Paradise in Augustines (Venue 152): Fri 2 – Sat 10 aug 2019
Review by Sarah Moyes
Spooky, funny and entertaining, Bare Productions have brought back to life one of the most dysfunctional family’s in the world in the kooky Addams Family musical at this year’s Fringe.
For most parents, the thought of their daughter wanting to marry is something to celebrate, but Gomez and Morticia Addams couldn’t think of anything worse for Wednesday when she first tells them about her “normal” boyfriend Lucas Beineke.
The problem is that he is from a respectable Ohio family, compared to her own arguably less than respectable one.
The show begins with news that Lucas’s family are on their way over for dinner, but what Wednesday’s parents and the rest of the Addams family don’t know is that the young couple in love are planning to announce their engagement.
Rebecca Drever gives a stand out performance as the ultimate Princess of Darkness – Wednesday Addams, who is rarely seen without her crossbow in hand. She’s sassy, confident and awe-inspiring from the first time she opens her mouth to sing. It is a beautiful rendition of Pulled, performed as she tortures her young brother Pugsley, played by Nicola Dryburgh, who also gives a strong performance as the youngest member of the Addams clan.
Michael Davies is hilarious as Gomez Addams showing great facial expressions and sword skills as he tries to sneak around behind his wife’s back so he doesn’t reveal that he knows about the forthcoming nuptials.
grace and elegance
Jo Heinemeier plays his loving wife Morticia who floats around the stage with grace and elegance her trademark black hair and long dress making Gomez squirm as she tries to find out his big secret.
Aside from its humour, The Addams Family musical, which ran on Broadway between 2010 and 2011, is big on its songs. There’s the big ensemble numbers, such as opener When You’re an Addams and Full Disclosure, which is a game Morticia makes everyone play over dinner so she can make Gomez confess what he is hiding.
However, the real highlight is Crazier Than You, a loving and upbeat duet sung by Wednesday and Lucas as they show their trust for each other as he lets Wednesday shoot an arrow through an apple on his head while she is blindfolded. The addition of a live band gives the songs a bigger lease of life and allows Bare Productions to show off their professionalism.
sweet and endearing
Andrew Gardiner is really funny in the role of Uncle Fester, from breaking down the fourth wall and talking to the audience as a sort of narrator, to his sweet and endearing relationship with the moon, he’s perfectly suited to this role.
There also great support from the rest of the cast. Caitlin Davis as Grandma (although neither Gomez or Morticia thinks it’s actually their own grandma) and Cameron Kirby in the role of Lurch, a man of very few words (or even noises) until the end of the show when he shows off a rather impressive singing voice.
And of course, Lucas’s parents Alice (Julia Weingaertner) and Mal (Benji Sumrie) who appear to be straight-laced and normal at first glance, but have their own issues bubbling underneath.
The Addams Family is a kooky, heart-warming and laugh-out-loud funny musical which is a real triumph for the local theatre company.
Running time: Two hours (including one interval)
Paradise in Augustines, 41 George IV Bridge, EH1 1EL (venue 152)
Friday 2 – Saturday 10 August 2019
Daily: 7pm.
Tickets and details:
Twitter: @BareProductions
Facebook: @BareEdinburgh