Theatre Alba
The Garden of Delight
★★★☆☆ Scenic:
Making perfect use of one the Fringe’s most idyllic venues, Theatre Alba’s The Garden of Delights is a promenade tale with a strong environmental twist for younger children.
#EdFringe Casting Call
Theatre Alba seek cast for family season:
Theatre Alba has put out an urgent casting call for its family season of shows at Duddingston Kirk during the 2017 Edinburgh fringe which will be staged on a profit-share basis.
Double Bill
“✭✭✭✭✩ Character-driven”
Young critics scheme review:
Theatre Alba present a double bill at Duddingston Kirk Manse of Chekhov’s Smoking is Bad for You and Tennessee Williams’ Something Unspoken.
Baba Yaga – junior review
✭✭✭✭✩ Exciting
Junior Review by Cora Dibdin
Baba Yaga at Duddingston Kirk gardens was magical for everyone.
Baba Yaga (And The Girl With The Kind Heart)
✭✭✭✭✩ Spine tingling:
Magnificently malevolent when it needs to be, Theatre Alba’s take on the great Russian folk tale Baba Yaga thrills and frightens in equal measure as it promenades round Dr Neil’s Garden in Duddingston.
Scots Double Bill
✭✭✩✩✩ Stormy feminism
In a feminist journey that attempts to bring substance to two Shakespearean women, Theatre Alba’s production of this Scots Double Bill will certainly give pause for thought, though not necessarily as might be expected.
Edinburgh On The Edinburgh Fringe
Edinburgh-based professional companies appearing in the fringe:
It’s Edinburgh’s festival, no matter what the nay-saying nutters who comment on the Scotsman’s website might write. More tickets are sold to Edinburgh residents than to anyone else and it would seem that every Edinburgh-based theatre company, whether professional or amateur, has a show on.