TheSpace @ Niddry Street
★★★★★ Historical insight
For every figure whose name echoes throughout history there are the descendants destined to spend their lives living in the shadow of their ancestors.
Henry V
★★★☆☆ Contrarious
Henry V from Massachusetts-based Ghost Light Players is a dynamic, physical, ensemble-centred production of Shakespeare’s sprawling history that aims to impress upon its audience the “bloody cost of war”.
The Whirligig of Time
★★★★★ Malvolio Often Appears Innocent
Malevolent, malicious, malcontent: Malvolio. But is he? In a tour-de-force by solo actor Robin Leetham, Tortive Theatre’s The Whirligig of Time questions the traditional perception of Malvolio as the antagonist of Twelfth Night, and allows him to tell his version of the story.
Cheeky Girls
★★★★☆ Unbounded promise
The Counterminers’ Cheeky Girls, at theSpace @ Niddry St for the Fringe’s final week, is a comic drama of almost unlimited potential.
Water Fruit Loops
★★★☆☆ Engaging
Theatre Paradok’s Water Fruit Loops, at theSpace @ Niddry Street for the final week of the fringe, goes over well-trodden ground in a likeable manner.
★★★★☆ Moving portrayal of a marriage:
This one woman show at theSpace @ Niddry Street until Saturday only, is a thoroughly recognisable portrait of an older woman reflecting on the emotional roller coaster that constitutes her long marriage.
Annie Jr.
★★★☆☆ Entertaining:
Local youngsters from Edinburgh Youth Theatre put on a lively and entertaining performance in their rendition of Annie, aptly named Annie Jr., in TheSpace @ Niddry Street.
Casanova Dreaming
★★☆☆☆ Overly complex:
Arbery Production’s Casanova Dreaming at TheSpace on Niddry Street is a breathless dash through the 18th century that tries to cram enough material for several hours into 50 minutes.
Arbery seek AD & SM for EdFringe 2018
Assistant director and stage manager wanted for Fringe:
Edinburgh-based Arbery Productions has put out an open call to fill the assistant director and stage manager posts on its two EdFringe 2018 productions.