Urban Fox
Hothouse shows 2015
Grassroots companies in Trav Showcase:
Four of Edinburgh’s newer and innovative grassroots companies are staging works as part of this year’s Hothouse season at the Traverse this week – Tue 10 – Fri 13 November 2015.
Heartlands Music Release
Rebecca Herd launches Heartlands EP:
An EP of the original music written by Ayrshire-based singer-songwriter Rebecca Herd for Heartlands is being released on Thursday, with a launch event at Sweet venues.
Discover Theatre Uncut
Rights-free experiment coming to Discover 21:
Three of this year’s Theatre Uncut pieces are being performed on Wednesday 26 November at Discover 21 by local grassroots company Urban Fox.
Edinburgh Does: Theatre Uncut
Cake and pizza take pride of place as three new productions and dates are added to the Theatre Uncut events taking place in Edinburgh this month.