Gondoliers wanted!
EdGAS issue open call for 2024 production
The Edinburgh Gilberts and Sullivan Society are back at the Festival Theatre next year, celebrating the society’s centenary with one of G&S’s best loved operas, The Gondoliers.
The amateur company has put out an open call to auditions for principals for the production. These will take place on Sunday 18 June at the Scottish Arts Club, Rutland Square, with chorus auditions later in the year. The performances are booked in to the Festival Theatre for the week beginning 6 May, 2024.
The Gondoliers is Gilbert and Sullivan’s twelfth collaboration of fourteen and the most successful. Full details of its twisting plot, with links to the libretto and score, can be found at the Gilbert and Sullivan Archive here. A review of the company’s 2016 production is here.
The EdGAS production will be directed by their artistic director Alan Borthwick, with David Lyle as Musical Director.
Speaking of the audition process, Lyle said: “You don’t have to produce a flawless performance on the day – but you do need to show us that you have the potential to play the part to the high standard that’s required.
“It’s not necessary to sing or speak from memory, but there’s no question that your audition will be immensely enhanced if you do – not being tied to a book, or Post-It’s stuck to the palm of your hand, frees you to become the character and concentrate on that.
“As always, we need big, bold and sparkling portrayals from all auditonees.”
All the necessary information regarding the auditions, including character guides, dialogue, and musical pieces, can be found on the EdGAS website here: https://edgas.org/show/auditions-for-the-gondoliers/
EdGAS expect rehearsals to start in autumn 2023, with further information available in the near future. Their usual practice of rehearsing principals on Monday evenings, with full company on Tuesdays will carry on. Principals will be expected to attend all rehearsals unless otherwise informed.
Anyone wishing to audition in a principal role can find a sign-up form here. Auditions for new chorus members will take place later in the year. Anyone interested in chorus-only should email the EDGAS Secretary (secretary@edgas.org) for awareness, noting your voice part (SATB).
EdGAS website: https://edgas.org/
Facebook page: @EdinburghGilbertSullivan
Twitter: @EdinGnS
Audition notice: https://edgas.org/show/auditions-for-the-gondoliers/
Sign-up form: Google.com.
The Gondoliers on the Gilbert and Sullivan Archive: here.
Æ review of the company’s 2016 production is here.