More dates for Aulos Auditions

Jan 15 2018 | By More

Extra date for EdFringe 2018 auditions

Aulos Productions has announced an additional day of auditions for its Fringe 2018 project of Antigone na h’Éireann, a modern day, Northern Ireland-set adaptation of Sophocles’ Antigone.

Antigone na h’ÉireannAntigone of Ireland – is written by company founder and award-winning playwright James Beagon. He transports the story to the modern day and sets it in post-Troubles Northern Ireland, where the threat of dissident terrorist groups still lingers.

Grace Gilbert, Alice De Maitre Albert, Alice Car Key, Joseph Mcaulay and Daniel Orejon in EdFringe 2015 production Women of the Mourning Fields. Promo pic: Aliza Hoover at Ummatiddle.

The company is now also accepting bookings for slots on Thursday 1 February 2018, between 5-9pm. All auditions are being held at the Augustine United Church on George IV Bridge.

The play has a cast of seven: three female, three male and one actor of unspecified gender. Further details of the production and Beagon’s inspiration for making the transformation are in our original article here: Brexit inspires Aulos’ EdFringe show.

Besides the EdFringe dates listed below, the company hopes to play three or four dates at the Buxton Fringe in early July 2018 and two or three dates at the Greater Manchester Fringe in mid-July 2018. These dates are all to be confirmed.

Anyone who would like to audition should complete the Google form linked here in full – as well as the Doodle poll it links to. The form also contains all the necessary preparation instructions regarding monologues.

Aulos operates as an amateur company seeking to create challenging work rather than chase a profit, but says that nobody should be left out of pocket for their creative efforts. As such, there is a nominal fee available for each role. It will cover as many Fringe expenses as possible, including travel to Buxton & Greater Manchester and accommodation for those two festivals, but not Edinburgh.

Character descriptions

Annie (Antigone. Playing Age: 18-30): A devout Roman Catholic, Annie is uncompromising in her convictions and fiercely protective of her family, never flinching when it comes to keeping them safe. Occasionally blunt to the point of rudeness, she passionately believes in every aspect of her cause.

Izzy (Ismene. Playing Age 16-26): The youngest sibling, Izzy is generally a bright and cheery personality, which flows into her artistic creations. This masks the severe struggles she endures with the morality of the group’s actions and her own identity.

Erin (Argea. Playing Age 20-35): An outsider from Derry, Erin is delicate in her dealings with the family and takes every step with appropriate caution. Friendly and accommodating, she is still something of an unknown quantity with a quiet but intimidating personality.

Teodoir (Eteocles. Playing Age 20-30): A Marxist university scholar, fresh from campus with bold ideas about how to fix Ireland and the world through revolution despite little real experience of living in it. Thoughtful and highly academic in the pursuit of his goal.

Padraig (Polynices. Playing Age 20-30): An instinctive “Hit now and ask questions later” guy, thrilled at the prospect of a good fight that the group’s campaign offers him. Padraig still manages to possess a certain charm despite this and has an amount of savvy that puts him one step above your average thug.

Eamonn (Haemon. Playing Age 18-28): Fresh-faced and eager to help, Eamonn is constantly overlooked by the rest of his family. As a cousin to the four siblings, he is pushed to the outside of the group but nevertheless seeks to make his voice heard when necessary.

Colm (Creon. Playing Age 35-50): An older man, former IRA turned politician, and father to Eamonn. Colm is a survivor, constantly looking over his own shoulder and considering the fallout from any potential decision, political and otherwise.

Listings and Links

Antigone na h’Éireann auditions
Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, EH1 1EL
Thursday 1 February 2018, 5-9pm.
Sign up for updates here:

Antigone na h’Éireann
Paradise in the Vault, 11 Merchant Street, EH1 2QD (Venue 29)
Saturday 4 – Sunday 26 August 2018.
Daily, (not Sun 12, Sun 19) Expected time 6pm.

Aulos website:
Twitter: @AulosProduction
Facebook: aulosproductions

Aulos Productions reviewed on Æ: tag/aulos-productions.


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