Site specific audition
Neon Eye’s open casting call
Young Edinburgh-based film company Neon Eye is moving into theatre with a one-act site-specific piece, The Things I Don’t Say and has issued an open casting call for auditions this week.
The play, by Calum Mowatt, takes place entirely in the flat of the lead character, Malcolm. Returning home from a night out, he goes to bed and begins to dream…
After two years making films, the company say that they will be bringing what they have learned from filmmaking to the new production, allowing them to take what they describe as a “slightly different approach” to theatre.
Founded by a group of film-loving friends just over two years ago Neon Eye has made a feature film, three shorts and a music video. Most recently, the feature film From the Hill took over a year to make and is now in post-production.
“It was a blast to make and a great learning experience for all involved,” Mowatt told Æ. “But, given how long the production process was, we decided we wanted our next project to be something that we could get out there quicker.”
The Things I Don’t Say is inspired by Mowatt’s fascination with Freud and dream logic, surrealism and David Lynch.
“It also draws on what the experience of being a non-academic young person might be like in a city like Edinburgh that is so saturated with students,” Mowatt adds.
“That’s culminated in a relatively short one-act play where a local Edinburgh guy, Malcolm, arrives home from a night out, goes to bed and begins dreaming.
“The play will also be site-specific: the audience are sat in Malcolm’s bedroom where all the play’s events occur.”
The production is planned to be staged in Edinburgh, Tuesday 13 – Friday 16 February 2018, with auditions this Wednesday 17, Thursday 18 and Saturday 20 January.
Anyone is welcome to audition for the six available roles and, while Scottish accents are preferred, Mowatt says he is happy to have some roles played in a different accent.
Character outlines
Malcolm (M, playing age: 18-25, Scottish accent desirable) – A young man who, despite his intelligence, dropped out of school early, and finds himself stuck in a cycle of working a menial job and spending the money he earns on nights out. While he avoids expressing it, he yearns for the past and increasingly detests the life he finds himself living.
Denise (F, playing age: 18-25, Scottish accent desirable) – A young woman who lives for her social life, especially if it involves clubs, alcohol, drugs, or any other intoxicant.
Kirsty (F, playing age: 18-25, Scottish accent desirable) – Malcolm’s ex-girlfriend who decided to leave Malcolm and go to university in Glasgow after realising she wanted more out of life. While she still cares about Malcolm, she’s done a much better job of moving on than he has.
John (M, playing age: 18-25, Scottish accent desirable) – Tall, confident, brawny, and the embodiment of the “bro”. John is the centre of attention and does all he can to keep it that way.
Davy (M, playing age: 18-25, Scottish accent desirable) – Drug habits have left him skinny, unhealthy-looking, and not particularly easy to get with. But, given his ability for acquiring drugs, he gets invited to social events all the same.
Tom (M, playing age: 18-25, Scottish accent desirable) – Malcolm’s flatmate and general slacker. Pretty apathetic about most things in life and would be most content with a day spent in a dressing gown watching Netflix.
Listing & Links
The Things I Didn’t Say Casting Call
Wednesday 17, Thursday 18 and Saturday 20 January 2018
Edinburgh University (venue tbc).
Email for details.
The Things I Didn’t Say
Tuesday 13 – Friday 16 February 2018
Venue and details to be announced.
Neon Eye Productions’ website:
Facebook: @neoneyeproductions.
Twitter: @neoneyefilms.