Abbye Eva

The Fastest Clock in the Universe

The Fastest Clock in the Universe

★★★★☆ Febrile

EGTG drill down deep into the vicious heart of Philip Ridley’s The Fastest Clock in the Universe, in a production at the Assembly Roxy which never goes quite where you expect it to.

May 23 2024 | By | Reply More
Catching time with EGTG

Catching time with EGTG

EGTG Director Abbye Eva and lead actor Caden Scott on The Fastest Clock in the Universe

This week, EGTG continue their platinum season with a production of Philip Ridley’s 1992 dark comedy thriller, The Fastest Clock in the Universe, at Assembly Roxy for five performance.

May 21 2024 | By | Reply More
Pool (no water)

Pool (no water)

★★★★☆  Cruel but hilarious:

The Edinburgh Graduate Theatre Group’s late evening show at the Royal Scots Club, for week one of the Fringe only, is a decidedly over-18s only production of Pool (no water).

Aug 9 2019 | By | 2 Replies More
EGTG EdFringe Open Call

EGTG EdFringe Open Call

Shakespeare and Ravenhill for #EdFringe Shows:

EGTG has announced open auditions for its two 2019 Edinburgh Fringe productions on Wednesday 24 and Sunday 28 April when it is looking for a total of 19 cast members.

Apr 2 2019 | By | Reply More
All About My Mother

All About My Mother

★★★☆☆ Ambitious:

Clever in its staging and ambitious in scope, the EGTG’s Scottish premiere of All About My Mother, at the Roxy to Saturday, provides plenty to satisfy but a certain amount of confusion along the way.

Nov 23 2018 | By | 1 Reply More
A Few Good Men

A Few Good Men

★★★☆☆ Clever
Tightly paced and with a solidly constructed script from West Wing writer Aaron Sorkin, Beam Theatre’s A Few Good Men has plenty to offer, at the Assembly Roxy to Saturday.

Feb 11 2017 | By | 2 Replies More
In Love and Warcraft

In Love and Warcraft

★★★☆☆ Fulfilling:
Love is reduced to a set of rules in Beam Theatre’s fascinating and timely take on Madhuri Shekar’s quirky script, at the Roxy for a three night stint until Saturday.

Feb 5 2016 | By | 1 Reply More