Louise Knowles
The day after…
Post-referendum theatre from VPT:
Edinburgh’s Village Pub Theatre is staging an evening of new scratch theatre on Friday 19 September, under the banner of Independence Day? when it will also revive its famous Twitter plays.
Double Date for VPT
Village Fete and 5 Minute Theatre at the Village
The Village Pub Theatre is to host two nights of all-new short-form theatre at its home in the Village Pub on Fort Street Leith.
Spanish May fly for the Villagers
The Village Pub Theatre return from their trip up the town with a night of new writing marking the May Day bank holiday titled, in a blinding flash of inspiration: Cinco de Mayo.
The Village goes to Town
Traverse One is being taken for all this week by the Village Pub Theatre – Edinburgh’s pop-up new-writing company whose natural habitat is the Village Pub in Leith.
Post-Valentine erotica for VPT
The thrill of erotica in many and varied styles and outfits is to be the theme for this week’s Village Pub Theatre, with details revealed here on Æ for the first time.
Review – The Leithtivity
Broad swipes and accurate strikes make the Village Pub Theatre’s first venture into pantomime a mixed bag, as it retells the nativity with a scabrous, 20th century Leith twist.
VPT goes Panto-crazy
The Village Pub Theatre has announced its Christmas offering, to be staged at the Village Pub Monday-Wednesday next week.
Parents night at the VPT
Parents rule at the March edition of Village Pub Theatre, taking place this Friday, 29 March at the Village Pub, South Fort Street, Leith.