Scenes for Survival online
NTS launches crisis-response online project:
The first six pieces of the National Theatre of Scotland’s season of short digital artworks, Scenes for Survival, launches tonight, Wednesday 27 May 2020, and will remain online for two years.

Cyrano de Bergerac
★★★★★ Irresistible:
Visually and verbally intoxicating, Cyrano de Bergerac at the Lyceum is a riotous, joyous expression of the human spirit.

NTS Rocket Machine
NTS on Screen launched with Rocket Post
A new initiative, the National Theatre of Scotland on Screen, is to be launched with the filming of a cinema version of its new musical production Rocket Post.

How To Act
★★★★★ Manipulative:
Perfect pacing and authentic actors give Graham Eatough’s How To Act for the National Theatre of Scotland at Summerhall a unique shine.

★★★☆☆ Powerful:
There is no shortage of unfettered emotion in the National Theatre of Scotland’s Adam at the Traverse.

★★★★☆ Warmly fierce:
There is a deep humanity to Eve, at the Traverse, that makes it both challenging and reassuring, giving it an ultimate message of hope.

#EdFringe shows for NTS
NTS announces 2017 season
The National Theatre of Scotland has announced details of three shows which will be playing the Edinburgh Fringe in August 2017, with more involvement with the festivals to be announced later.

Jackie Wylie for NTS
Edinburgh-born artistic director for National Theatre of Scotland
The National Theatre of Scotland has announced that Jackie Wylie, who was artistic director of the Glasgow Arches fom 2008 to 2014, has been appointed artistic director.

The #CATS16 winners
Wait ends for Godot at CATS:
The Lyceum’s production of Waiting for Godot has won the Best Production award at this year’s Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland.

The James Plays
The James Plays Trilogy: ★★★★☆
Eighteen months after their first outing, the National Theatre of Scotland’s production of the James Plays trilogy remains a theatrical event worth anybody’s time and money.