Theatre Uncut, for one night only…
Politics and debate at the Traverse
By Thom Dibdin
Tonight, for one night only, Theatre Uncut returns to the Traverse with a quintet of short plays from around the world in a late-night slot.
Taking to the main stage of Traverse 1 at 9.30pm, after the current (and utterly brilliant) production of the Artist Man and the Mother Woman has come down, the plays are part of a week of Theatre Uncut taking place around the world.
This will no-doubt be provocative stuff, as co-artistic director Emma Callander explains: “Theatre Uncut was created to encourage debate and galvanise action around political issues that affect all of our lives. Anyone can get involved, anywhere.
“To respond honestly to the current political climate we feel that there are voices from outside the UK that need to be heard. We also feel that, with the richness of the current political theatre culture, Theatre Uncut is the place for leading dramatists to experiment with brave new ways to provoke, discuss and encourage positive action.”
At the Traverse, Kieran Hurley’s London 2012: Glasgow hinges on the mix-up of Korean flags at Hampden Park and subsequent “outsourcing” of blame to Glasgow. There are also plays from Spain, with Yesterday by Helena Tornero and Iceland in Indulge by Andri Snaer Magnason and Thorleifur Orn Arnarson. From the UK are Blondie by Hayley Squires and The Breakout by Anders Lustgarten.
Rough, vital theatre that raises debate and calls for action
The Traverse’s performances are a collaboration with actors and directors from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Andrew McGregor, Emily Reutlinger (who directed The Idiot at the Wall) and Deborah Hannan are on directorial duties. The cast is made up from 2nd and 3rd year students, with Grace Chilton, Paksie Vernon, Joanne Thomson, Martin Donaghy, Terence Rae, Cameron Crighton, Rhys Warrington, Millie Turner, Jessica Hardwick and Adam Newington.
After Theatre Uncut’s sell-out run during Fringe 2012, this shifts the focus onto those now galvanising as the future artists, theatre-makers and engaged citizens of the world, according to the Traverse. The emerging generation join with Theatre Uncut to experiment with brave new ways to provoke, discuss and encourage positive action. This is rough, vital theatre that raises debate and calls for action.
“After the mass civil unrest of 2011 there is now a new question to address,” says Callander. “It is clear that a large proportion of the world’s population are dissatisfied with the current political situation. We have seen this through the increasing protests, riots and armed conflicts that have been occurring across many parts of the world. The question now seems to be: how best do we move forward?”
Theatre Uncut
Traverse Theatre
Wednesday 14 November 2012 only, 9.30pm.
Tickets £6/£4 from the Traverse on 0131 228 1404 or the website here:
Theatre Uncut website: