Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland
Edinburgh Dominates CATS
Edinburgh companies win big at CATS:
Half the winners at this year’s Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland are Edinburgh-based productions, with the Lyceum winning three and the Traverse with Red Bridge Arts, two awards.
Jess Peet Forward
The Lyceum’s Alice is in Wonderland:
When Jess Peet steps out onto the Lyceum stage as the title character of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, she takes on the mantle of one of the most iconic figures of Oxford literature.
P5 in Wonderland part 5
The final set of reviews of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland from P5:
The last seven reviews written by the eight and nine year-olds of Stockbridge Primary’s P5 class after the school visit to see Antony Neilson’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland at the Lyceum.
P5 in Wonderland part 4
Another batch of P5’s reviews of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland:
The next six of Stockbridge Primary P5’s reviews which they wrote after their visit to see Antony Neilson’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland at the Lyceum.
P5 in Wonderland part 3
Yet more reviews of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland from P5:
Here are seven more of P5’s reviews of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
P5 in Wonderland part 2
More reviews of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland from P5:
Following Stockbridge Primary’s visit to see Antony Neilson’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland at the Lyceum, the eight and nine year-olds of P5 wrote reviews.
P5 in Wonderland
Stockbridge P5 review Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland:
Stockbridge Primary’s P5 class went see Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland at the Lyceum Theatre and used the trip to practice their reviewing skills.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
★★★★☆ Wonderful:
While not specifically Christmassy, Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland at the Lyceum proves an ideal fit for the festive season. Hugely colourful, funny, and fascinating, it is thoroughly involving and a little disorienting.