P5 in Wonderland part 3
Yet more reviews of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland from P5
Here are seven more of P5’s reviews of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, written after their trip to the Lyceum (see P5 in Wonderland).
★★★★☆ Exciting and mysterious
By Freddie
Alice in Wonderland is about a girl called Alice who sees a rabbit jump into a hole and disappears. Alice follows the rabbit and disappears too. She ends up to be in Wonderland. She finds all different people in Wonderland.
The Mad Hatter is a crazy and mad person because all he cares about is tea and cake. He has very weird friends too, and whoever he talks to doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
I think the best bit is when Alice was falling. I thought that was the best set because when she was falling they put lot of detail in that set.
★★★½☆ Weird and wonderful
By Flora
The play was about a girl called Alice with long curly hair. Alice gets into lots of adventures! Who will she meet along the way?
A very good performance, one of the best shows I’ve seen with the school. Much better than the BFG last year.
My favourite characters are the Mad Hatter and the Caterpillar. I like them because they are both very different! The Caterpillar was very laid back and didn’t help much. The Mad Hatter is very bubbly but the thing in common is neither of them helped much.
I think the way they made the set was really cool because there were hot air balloons, kites and much more hanging from the ceiling.
I think the weak spot for me was they didn’t do a debate about Alice losing her head!
Overall the show was fantastic and I would highly recommend it.
★★★★½ A Mysterious comedy for everybody
By Rohan
The play was about a girl called Alice and she fell down a rabbit hole and ended up in Wonderland. She tried to get back to the surface but she needed help.
My opinion about the characters are they maybe should have made Alice actively look like she’s growing and also make the Queen a little nicer.
The set was great because you couldn’t really see how they moved the set. The only downside was when they moved the house so you can see everything.
My least favourite part is when they played croquet because the didn’t make it that realistic but my favourite part is when the Cheshire Cat kept appearing just to ask questions.
They could’ve included the Cheshire Cat a bit more because he was only in one or two series.
I would recommend it to over fives because it will be too loud for under fives.
★★★★☆ Intensely mind-blowing
By Chaiya
The play was about a girl named Alice and she was outside taking her school lessons when she saw a rabbit. Not a normal rabbit however, but a rabbit with a satchel and a pocket watch.
I loved all the characters but especially the Mad Hatter. He was wacky and weird and although he didn’t show up a lot in the show I still loved his character.
The set was amazing. I absolutely loved it. It made my eyes grow bigger than ever! When Alice fell down the hole the circles on the screen made me dizzy.
My favourite part of the production was when Alice was taking her lesson in the park and the rabbit popped up on stage. My least favourite part was when they had the debate because it wasn’t long enough.
★★★★☆ Weird funny and exciting comedy
By Mackenzie
Alice falls down a rabbit hole and meets the Mad Hatter, Queen of Hearts, a Turtle, a Gryphon and lots more weird and wonderful characters in Wonderland.
I would change the show so that you can’t see the people moving the props by putting the curtains down and I would keep the storyline to one Alice in Wonderland because I think they mixed them all up.
My favourite bit was when the Caterpillar came on the mushroom because the Caterpillar was funny by saying “of course… NOT!”
The Tea Party was my favourite part of the set because it was wacky funny weird and exciting.
I think the characters were good because they were enthusiastic, acted well and their costumes were amazing.
I would recommend this play to all ages because it was funny full of laughter and fun. I really liked it and if you read this review and go see it I hope you enjoy it too.
★★★★½ Brilliant, fantastic good fun
By Ethan
I liked the part with the cannon. I was engrossed in the play. It was about a girl who went to a magical world. It was nice but could just have been a little better.
They were good. My favourite bit of the set was the cannon. My favourite bit was when the Caterpillar said “I do – not!”
My least favourite bit was the end of the show. If I could change it I would change the end of it.
I would recommend it to 9 year olds and beyond. My favourite character was the Cheshire Cat and the Gryphon.
★★★★☆ Fun, interesting and peculiar
By Katie
This was a fun play created by Anthony Neilson. Personally I loved the costumes. They were especially showy. The first time I saw Alice I personally thought she looked slightly different to the film.
However the play is about a girl named Alice and she has a pretty crazy dream. I am not going to tell you any more in case I spoil it.
My favourite part was when the Queen of Hearts came and screamed “off with her head” and she did not know who she was. My least favourite part was at the start because it was not how the original story started. Instead she was in school where in the other story she was at home.
Overall I would recommend this to everybody, to all ages from 0 to 100. The only problem was that I was bored waiting for it to start!
P5’s 31 reviews are over five pages.
Click below to go to the different pages:
P5 in Wonderland (Noah, Callie, Jaime, Cora & Grace).
P5 in Wonderland part 2 (Aria, Zac, Tabitha, Evie, Peter & Emily)
P5 in Wonderland part 3 (This page: Freddie, Flora, Rohan, Chaiya, Mackenzie, Ethan & Katie)
P5 in Wonderland part 4 (Isaac, Martha, Pedro, Jackson, Jude & Tom).
P5 in Wonderland part 5 (Bella, Nicholas, Cibelle, Manu, Reuben, Millie & India).
Hugh’s review of the show for Æ is here: ★★★★☆ Wonderful.
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